Thursday, October 27, 2011

Arc Seconds to Degrees

Wouldn't you know it. I thought that I was just dim-witted or the people who were writing the SEG-Y were completely zonked - but there is a reason behind putting X/Y data in arc seconds. For a long time, every once in a while you'll come across SEG-Y byte location 98 and it'll have a 2 there (meaning the coordinates are in Arc Seconds. I'm scratching my head saying - who on earth, why on earth? Okay, here's the rhyme - not sure of the reason.

Arc Seconds = 3599.99999712 * degree
Degree = 0.0002778 * arc seconds

go figure. I got this all from here.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nav2KML update

Yeah, I know script files are not that fun.  Here's the actual application that I put together the past few days.  I added the function of color to it.  It works the same way the script worked (the input) which should look like:

-122.19785 37.5686 101A
-122.19785 37.56863 101A
-122.19785 37.56865 101A

Added a few other things.  Hope you enjoy it.  Here's a screen shot and it's result.

Screen shot

What it should look like in GoogleEarth

Thursday, October 6, 2011

SEG-Y Summary Update

Hey people,

I've been working on this program to add a little bit more functionality to it.  I added an EBCDIC/ASCII header viewer and a trace header viewer.  I might (if I have the time) add some functionality to it regarding being able to load large 3D files.  Get the app here.

SEG-Y Summary screen shot