Saturday, September 24, 2011

Leave My Files Alone!

A big thumbs up for the SEG-Y Viewer brought to you by IHS.  I think you have to pay for it now.  It lets you view SEG-Y files without locking them up.  Unlike SeiSee, you get to see the full amplitudes.  For whatever reason, SeiSee only lets you look at 3 decimals to the right.  SEG-Y Viewer lets you look at the whole shebang.  And SegY Detective lets you as well - but it locks up the file.

Yes, I know that you need to keep the file open to look at it, but after everything's loaded into memory - let go of it.  Are people afraid of someone else in the network will change the file you're working on?  Nunno.

Locking files up can be disastrous for people trying to view seismic files in multiple application.  Yes, you might have worked long and hard on your software, but it doesn't do everything.

My two cents.

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