Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Other Side Under The Golden Gate Bridge

Okay... I got the whole kml thing down now it's a bit of a routine.  Here's the other side of the San Francisco Bay survey.  Why isn't there anything that GoogleEarth in all their FREE wisdom can put out where you can dump values from Excel or whereever and create these things.  Sure, I can tire my brain out by creating scripts to do ONE thing.. but instead of making GoogleDoodles for Freddie Mercury's bday they can.. oh never mind .. here you go.
from the nav -> kml

Imported SEG-Y from into SMT.  Sorry about that pesky SnagIt

Ho hum.  I got started on the other 1/4 of the data, over wrote the data.  You get the picture.  The SMT looks really ugly.  For whatever reason, there's not an option to limit the number of "ticks" or shotpoints noted on the SEG-Y.  Every 10th would at least be nice.

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